Monday, April 19, 2010

Green Tree Chart

Apologies for not getting around to doing this yesterday as promised.

And the winner of the "Green Tree" chart is....


(I'll be in touch sometime today, Gio.. )

I didn't use very scientific methods to do this drawing: I asked someone else in the house to pick a number! ;-P I was all set to look into (I've always wanted to use that!) but... well... this was just easier today. :-)

Thank you to everyone else who commented!

I was given two blog awards last week by Karen. Thank you Karen, that was so nice of you! ♥ Particularly, as I mentioned to Karen, considering I don't "blog" very often anymore these days. I'm always surprised that anyone is still even reading my blog! I had big plans to incorporate these awards into this post, but it's going to have to be another day, as I must go work now (bothersome - but it's necessary - otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy stash!) ;-)

Have a great week!


  1. Oh my goodness, how lucky I am - thanks Tina!

  2. What a beautiful blog - you have done so many nice pieces.

  3. I came across your blog through someone else's blog....your work is absolutely beautiful! I also made you a contact on Flickr. I can't wait till I have a moment to browse through all those stitchy photos!
    Just gorgeous!!!
    Thanks for sharing!
