Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A finish, a new start, and taking a wee break...

I have some stitching photos to share, so time for me to get one of those rare (of late) blog entries in.

Evening Shades the Garden
Blackbird Designs (Loose Feathers #3).
Fabric: Cream Quaker Cloth Linen.
Stitched Over-1.

Photo below to show how tiny it is.

I adore Blackbird Designs (and particularly the Loose Feathers series). I've been collecting the Loose Feathers since #6 was released. I found No. 1 & 3 on eBay recently, so I pretty much have the whole collection. I'd better get my stitching skates on if I want to stitch them all. :-)

I also started another project a wee while ago:

Alpha Birds by Sheepish Designs.
Fabric: R&R 35-Count Creme Brulee Linen.
NPI silks (mostly 1 over 2).

I've wanted to stitch this for a very long time and finally got it out of the box a few weeks back. I plan to stitch the three in the series on the one piece of fabric.

Now... I've been thinking about this for a wee while, and I think I'm going to take a wee break from this blog. Do I post enough anymore to even justify saying that? ;-) I'm thinking not :-) but I will all the same, just in case anyone wonders where I've disappeared to. Asides from the fact that I'm going to be super busy over the next couple of months, I don't think I'm really stitching enough at the moment to make this blog very interesting. I also think I generally just need a wee break from the blogging world too. As I said in my last post, I feel awful that I'm not commenting on many blogs anymore right now (even my most favourites) -- and I DON'T want to be one of those people who starts off each and every blog entry with apologies ;-)

Thank you for the lovely and supportive comments in my last post. I'm still reading your blogs, and I *will* eventually start leaving comments again when I get the chance, I promise!

I'll be sure to update my Flickr album whenever I have stitching updates (I still update Webshots too - I really do need to pick between the two to save myself from uploading everything twice... I mean how daft is that?!)

I'm keeping up with a few of my stitching friends on Facebook (I guess that's another reason why taking a break from blogging doesn't seem that bad!) I've grown to really enjoy Facebook over the past year or two. I've never been into any of the other social networking sites, but everyone seems to be on Facebook these days. I'm back in touch with many old friends and colleagues, not to mention family around the world that I don't keep in very good contact with otherwise. This keeps me up to date with everyone - more so than my blog does (where only my stitching buddies really read it due to the content). I also feel more comfortable with the privacy of Facebook too, so I don't mind putting more information about myself on there, as only my "friends" can see it.

I'm sure I'll be back soon enough, but until then I hope everyone has a lovely spring (or autumn depending on where you are) and I'll look forward to catching up with you on your blogs or Facebook often. :-)

Tina x


  1. Lovely BBD finish...it's so tiny and delicate! Love your new sampler start, the colors are gorgeous!

    Enjoy your blogging break...hope you come back soon!!!

  2. Very, very beautiful embroidery!
    Kind Regards, Lucy

  3. Congratulations, your Evening Shades the Garden is really amazing - stitched over 1!!!!

  4. Wow...that is a beautiful finish!

    I hope you make it back to the blogging world soon, Tina. I'm on Facebook, but haven't really been able to get into it. Not my thing, I guess. My husband, for reasons unknown to me, seems to spend hours a day on it. Weird. ;)

  5. Your stitching looks great! I adore Blackbird Designs, also.

    Enjoy your break... I just took quite a long one, and it does help. :-)

  6. Beautiful finish! I am in love with BBD : ))

  7. Well, I'm going to miss you, but I understand that a break is sometimes necessary. I'm on Facebook, though not terribly active there - will you keep in touch with me?

    Your current stitching is stunning. Utterly fabulous. And whenever you do come back to blogging, you'll pop up in my bloglines and I'll come running!

  8. Anonymous10:36 am

    Oooooh, I loooove both of those! The BBD is just charming over 1, and the Alpha series is on my to-do list as well (also as a single piece) - its colours are fabulous!

    I understand your need for a break - but I do hope you'll be back again.

  9. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Wonderful finish! Love the size of the finished piece. Just beautiful. Love your new wip (this one's in my stash somewhere too!)

  10. That BBD is so dainty and pretty! Gorgeous work. Love the new start, too. I have that in my stash.

    As others have said, I understand the need for a break and will look forward to whenever you decide to blog again. :)

  11. That is an adorable finish!!! Love the new start as well. Such pretty work you do! I understand the break from blogging! I do hope that you return soon!!!

  12. lovley BBD, i hope you can back soon.

  13. Don't stay away too long; I've always enjoyed looking at your work. These last two pieces are no exception! Enjoy the break!

  14. Alpha birds looks wonderful! makes me want to pull mine out and start!

  15. Oh Tina I shall really miss you. I cannot get to grips with facebook though i do belong to it lol. Maybe when i have time or my daughter is here to teach me how to use it.

    We are supposed to be in for a long hot summer so I am sure you will be full up and busy through that period so I do understand.

    By the way I really love the new wip.

    Drop me a line sometime if you have five minutes - Hugs Helen

  16. Evening shades de garden is lovely. Seeing it there, so beautifuly stitched makes me want to stitch it too...

    The sampler with so many colors and birds is so cute! You have realy chosen two wonderful designs to show.

  17. I love Evening Shade in the Garden, it's really very pretty..

  18. Anonymous10:35 pm

    Your latest stitching is lovely. Like you, I feel bad that I'm rarely blogging these days - but I continue to do so for my Mum as she likes to see my stitching. Enjoy your break, and I look forward to seeing you post again when you're ready :)

  19. Hi Concetta,

    I completely resonate with all your feelings here... FB has become my new go-to site for keeping in touch. I just put up my first blog post in a couple months!

    LOVE your BBD starts. Keep stitching!


  20. Olá! Conheci seu espaço e amei! Criativo e lindo!... Parabéns!!!
    Continue sempre o seu trabalho!
    Se puder, dê uma espiadinha no meu:
    Beijinhos brasileiros.
