Sunday, February 01, 2009

I've been stitching - really I have!

I'm sorry that I haven't blogged in such an age! I've actually been stitching (I have proof!) - I just haven't been blogging. Usually if I don't post for a while it means that I haven't been stitching very much - but I got a decent amount in last month.

First off though I wanted to share the beautiful floss tag that I received as a gift from Karen.

Isn't it beautiful? Karen also sent me those gorgeous Vikki Clayton silks that I can't wait to use. Thank you again Karen, you are such an angel!

Instead of indulging in "Guilt Free January" this year, I decided to look through my WIP pile. I was really happy not to bring any 2008 starts into 2009 with me, so I then looked through my 2007 starts and I'm happy to report that I finished two!

Quaker Samplings I by With My Needle
Fabric: Lakeside Linen Maple Sugar
(with Crescent Colours Milady's Teal)

Winter Blues by Just Nan
Fabric: Legacy Linen Winter White
(with all the recommended silks)

Some more detailed photos below...

I did have one new start in January (didn't say I was an angel or anything!) I'll share that next time. :-)

I started re-watching ER from Season 1 a few weeks back. I've been collecting the DVDs since they started being released, but haven't got around to actually watching them until now. I thought as the series was coming to an end over the next few months that this was the time to start re-watching. This was my favourite TV show for quite a number of years when it first started -- there wasn't anything else like it on TV at the time. Coming to the end of Season 1 I've absolutely loved watching it again. I haven't seen any of the last few season at all (possibly the last 3 or 4), so I'm looking forward to seeing those eventually too, even though I know they'll be nothing like the "old days".

Did anyone watch the Australian Open Final today? Oh my gosh, how sad for Roger Federer! He was inconsolable. I so want him to beat the record held by Pete Sampras of the most Grand Slam wins. You'd think that he could still do it, but you have to wonder (a wee bit anyway) after today. Though having said that, how amazing is Rafa Nadal? I've been following tennis ever since I was 5 or 6-years-old, but I can't remember two players as amazing as these two. I don't just mean their talent, but what gentlemen. It's always a treat to see them in these finals together: I don't think you'll see a rivalry like this one again for a long time to come. Federer just needs to win another Slam (or two!) this year. ;-)

Thanks for dropping by -- if anyone out there is still reading. ;-)


  1. wow! amazing works!!! I love your quaker sampler!!!

  2. Your finishes look great and I love the little floss tag.

    I know what you mean about ER - it was my favourite show when it started but I've missed the last 2 series. I started recording the current series when it started and I'm looking forward to seeing how it ends.

  3. Love that floss tag you received. And I really love your finishes - congratulations! :D

  4. Anonymous8:27 am

    Beautiful finishes Tina! I've always loved that JN - very pretty!

  5. Gorgeous floss tag from Karen! both of your finishes are beautiful! Congrats. I used to love ER, but then got away from not too long after Dr. Green died!

  6. Anonymous10:30 am

    Gorgeous finishes! Good for you for getting some older WIPs done :) I really hope I can finish a couple of bigger things this month.

    Glad you liked the tag :)

  7. Anonymous10:57 am

    That floss tag is gorgeous, good for you! And major congrats on the finishes, they're both spectacular - feels good, doesn't it, to get a couple of those all done.

    I'm a fan of ER too - but I agree with most, the first few seasons were the best. I keep watching it for fondness though, and I think they've made a wise decision to end it before it becomes really stale.

  8. really lovely quaker sampler :)

  9. What a gorgeous tag!! Karen does such beautiful work, as do you! YGG on those samplers! They're both wonderful, but I think my fave is the WMN Quaker. Though the JN is perfect for now--it looks all crystally and wintery like a crisp winter day.

    I am so the same on ER. I have been contemplating watching the final season since George is coming back for a bit, and Noah is on there. It was THE show back in the day.

  10. Your finishes are beautiful!

  11. Congratulations on getting some lovely pieces finished! I need to devote some real quality time for some of my WIPs to lessen the load!

  12. Wow Wow Wow I just love the JN sampler. This is not one I have seen before (and I am on the Stash Wagon) but it will certainly be going on my wish list.

    The other one is very pretty too and your gift from Karen is lovely.

  13. Congrats on your two finishes. It is so nice to complete things that have been WIPS so long. They are lovley.

  14. I love both of your blue finishes-- so pretty! And Karen's tag is really sweet.

  15. The floss tag you received is adorable and a big HIGH FIVE on your two wonderful finishes!! I enjoy your blog. Your stitching is beautiful. :) Thank you for sharing it with us. :)

  16. Winter Blues is so beautiful!

    I enjoy ER too. Sometimes I catch some old reruns on TNT. :)

  17. I love the floss tag, that is just gorgeous! Winter Blues is such a stunning piece and your stitching made it look even more stunning! Beautiful work!

  18. These blue samplers are beautiful!
    Irina from Moscow (Russia)

  19. I have just discovered your blog, WOW! Beautiful work. I think I spent my whole lunch hour just ohh'ing and ahh'ing over all of your stitcheries. I have cross stitched a good part of my life like you, but not much in the last 5 years or so. I am really feeling the pull back to it. Even more after looking at your blog! So nice to "meet" you.

  20. Anonymous1:42 am

    I like the blue stitching!
    Love to see your blog!!
    You are welcome to see our Cross stitch

  21. Anonymous3:38 pm

    Hello! I have found your message on facebook and have come to see yours blog… you are truly a lot much good one! I have added to mine link thus I return to trovarti soon… an embrace

    my blog:

  22. Anonymous1:58 am

    both finishes are super, I love winter blues, it really lovely, and the colour of floss you chose for quaker samplings was perfect
    well done!
