Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Federica & Aldo

No stitching photos this week. Can you believe I haven't picked up my stitching in over a week? I'm way behind with my blog reading too!

Congratulations to Federica & Aldo!

Rome 12.07.2008


glamlawlib said...

Awww they look so happy, lovely photo :)

mainely stitching said...

Great to hear from you! Sometimes, stitching just loses its allure for awhile. ;)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely couple!! I like how they were caught *just* as the rice is about to hit, hehe.

Sharon said...

How beautiful! Look at that happiness!

stitcherw said...

Wonderful picture, they look so happy, and it looks like the weather was beautiful for their special day too.

Anonymous said...

Hi again - there's an award nomination for your blog on mine, if you care to look :-)

Asta said...

Dear Concetta,
please, visit my blog. I have litle surprise for You:)
have a nice day:)