Sunday, May 18, 2008

Coffee Series Finish & Friday Feast #191

I finished the last square in the Little House Needleworks Coffee series this weekend... I'm happy to report no thread shortages on this one. ;-)

That's them all done now! Sorry for the poor quality photo below - shame they don't all fit into the scanner. They were stitched on Vintage Country Mocha Belfast linen with Belle Soie silks.

From Friday's Feast: A Buffet for your Brain

Feast One Hundred & Ninety One

Every now and again I'll do one of these!

Appetizer: What is the nearest big city to your home?

I live on the west coast of Scotland, and Glasgow is circa 25-30 minutes away. The airport (Glasgow) is 15 minutes from us, and I'm fortunate to also live 10 minutes away from beautiful Loch Lomond. Though of course, Scotland is a pretty small country compared to most, so *everything* is close by - Stirling is less than an hours drive, and even Edinburgh on the opposite coast is only about a 70 minute drive away!

Soup: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets?

I'd say 9? I'm very good with secrets (if someone has asked me to keep a confidence), but I guess no one is perfect.

Salad: Describe your hair (color, texture, length).

It's black, naturally curly and fairly long (though looks deceptively shorter than it is because of the curls). I never (or very rarely anyway) go to the hairdresser. My mum took a hairdressing course when she was in her late teens (she went along to keep her cousin company) and cuts hair really well. It's always a huge decision for me to get my hair cut anymore than just a regular trim, because it takes forever to grow back to (what looks like) a decent length again due to it being so curly... Other than a trim every 4-5 months, I haven't had my hair cut in about 3.5 years (see photos above). I also don't know what I'd do without my leave-in conditioner - if they ever stop making it I'll cry!

Main Course: What kind of driver are you? Courteous? Aggressive? Slow?

VERY SLOW - because I don't have a car! ;-P I don't need one. I'm very central to everything, don't mind walking, and there is very good transport in the immediate area when I need it. If I ever really need to get a car I will, but I don't see it happening any time soon. Stress free and it's nice not to have that expense.

Dessert: When was the last time you had a really bad week?

I have a bad day every now and again, but fortunately no bad *week* for so long I can't remember when the last time could have been!


  1. Wow, your hair is amazing! I have the world's straightest hair, and all four of my kids have the same. I've always been fascinated by curls. :)

    Your finish is great. Love those colors!

  2. Anonymous8:26 am

    Lovely finish! The 3 designs look lovely together.

    You have great hair! Like Barbara, mine's dead straight - you're so lucky to have all those curls! ;)

  3. Beautiful finish!!

  4. Great finish! I'd not seen any of them before.

  5. Anonymous12:55 pm

    What a lovely trio you have there! Great stitching, and you've enabled me to try some of these now!

  6. Great finish, congratulations

  7. I really like the designs, your stitching is wonderful. :)

  8. Congrats...they look wonderful all stitched together! So how will you be finishing them?

  9. Anonymous1:28 pm

    Un saluto dall'ITALIA... complimenti per i tuoi lavori e per il tuo blog!
    Se ti va passa a fare un giro pure da me:

    Ti aspetto, ciao, Lucia

  10. They look pretty all stitched together. Congratulations! I'm just starting to stitch this series. I'm using the same fabric as you are but will be stitching them separately. Amazing, isn't it, how many ways one design can be stitched and the results all different?

  11. Congratulations on your lovely finish!
    I also have the same fabric in my stash (Vintage Country Mocha 32ct Belfast), so I would stitch on the same fabric as you, when I start these coffee series!

    You hair is like mine, mine is a bit soft curly, but I have black and naturally curly hair!
    It's now very short though!

  12. Congrats on your finish!!!

    I heard from friends with curly hair that they are hard to maintain.

    I like your blog: it's my first visit ;)

  13. Congratulations! They look great together :)

    We have the same hair! Except mine is brown , not black. And mine was last cut in November 2003 ;)

  14. Your coffee series looks wonderful! Congrats on the finish!

  15. Lovin' those coffee finishes, Concetta! I can't wait to see how you'll "finish them off" =D

    Your hair is gorgeous, too! My hair used to be exactly like yours ( a little lighter though) and then I got stoooopit and chopped it all off; don't do it. LOL

    Thanks for sharing your finishes with us and a bit about yourself as well. =)


  16. I always wasnt to have dark curls, mine is grey (was fair), short and as much curl as tap water lol.

    Love the finished coffee set they are so sweet.

  17. I always wasnt to have dark curls, mine is grey (was fair), short and as much curl as tap water lol.

    Love the finished coffee set they are so sweet.

  18. The coffee series looks great :)

    I am so jealous of your curls and not having to go to the hairdressers very often, I hate it and I have to go every 6 weeks!
