Monday, August 14, 2006

Quaker Meetinghouse SAL Day 1

Thanks for the nice comments everyone, I always appreciate them very much. :-))

Aaargh Nicki, extra beads needed for Petal Fairy too?! She's a high maintenance fairy this one. ;-)

Just a quick post from me tonight with a photo from Day 1 of the Quaker Meetinghouse SAL that I'm doing with Karen. I didn't get much done, but it's a start. I love those Crescent Colours! Sorry about the wrinkles... I'm always too impatient to iron fabric before I start a project, but I've never had any problems after it's been in the Q-Snaps and then laced when it's being framed, so I don't worry too much about it.


Sharon said...

Your off to a great start! I have that one in my stash too-may have to bump it up on the to done asap list-LOL

Leslie aka zoeandcooper said...

Great start! That is a very pretty blue. I can't wait to see more:)

Nicki said...

Great start! :)

I'm not positive about the beads but I'm sure I started with a new packet and there aren't enough now. Maybe I got a duff packet of beads? I don't remember spilling any!

Wendy said...

You're off to a great start - I'm looking forwards to seeing more!

Margie said...

That is such a nice start to Quaker Meetinghouse! And it's such a cute piece. I might have to find it for my stash.

Michelle said...

Great start - what a cute piece! Even though I iron my fabric before starting, I still can't manage to get all the creases out!

Carol said...

Love that Quaker Meetinghouse - this will be fun to watch you do!

elenamac said...

very very nice starting!!!


Dani - tkdchick said...

LOL I'm always too impatient to iron either. Its going to get wrinkled while working on it... so why bother?